TechCrunch Breaks the Big News: LearnLux Raises $2M from Celebrity Investors on a Mission to Bring Financial Wellness to the Workplace

Posted by LearnLux

Raising money as a tech company can be really big news, but what you plan to do with the funds is what really matters.

On Wednesday, TechCrunch broke the big news that LearnLux has raised a fresh round of funding from notable investors including Ashton Kutcher, Salesforce chief executive Marc Benioff, former Wealthfront CEO Adam Nash, and Underscore VC at a SXSW pitch competition.

LearnLux operates under a SaaS model, partnering with businesses to offer access to its digital financial wellness product, which helps employees make important financial decisions.

Here at LearnLux, our team is on a mission to change people's relationship with money -- to help them make their next big financial decisions with confidence, not out of fear.  

Raising our first seed round feels like a big accomplishment, but this is were the hard work really starts. We're so proud to have incredible investors, advisors and friends that support us on this journey. 

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Tags: financial wellness

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