The LearnLux Financial Wellbeing Blog

Creating a world where having a financial plan is never out of reach.

Searching for the best workplace financial wellbeing program? Choose one that's independent (not affiliated).

Ask any employee benefits professional if they’d let a credit card company come into the office and try to educate and sign up their employees. We bet you’d hear a resounding “NO.”

Yet, many workplace programs that call themselves “financial wellbeing” make their money by selling financial products and services. 

employers financial advisors

How to Build a Business Case for New Benefits When Budgets are Tight

Open Enrollment is on the horizon, and you're ready to explore new voluntary benefits. Especially through these tough times, it's important to support employees health, wellbeing and happiness beyond the workplace. But, budgets are tight. How can you effectively build a case with the C-Suite for new benefits buy in?

employers employee benefits Open Enrollment

Financial Wellness Champions | AceUp

LearnLux is proud to be the the financial wellness benefit provider for AceUp, the leading marketplace for quality coaching, based in Boston MA.

AceUp is dedicated to create a workplace where their employees can succeed every day. To do this, their team put intentions into actions by working to fight financial stress, the #1 cause of stress in the modern workplace.

We sat down with Patrick, AceUp’s Co-Founder, to chat about his company’s culture and wellness initiatives. Read on for the full interview below.

employers learnlux customer spotlight

Actionable Ways to Improve Your Company's Benefits Communication in 2019

Employees want great benefits, but they don’t always want to spend time reading about them.

Instead of letting your team come knocking on HR's figurative (or literal) door at the last minute, here are 6 actionable ways to improve your benefits communications to maximize opt-ins.

employers employee benefits

Seven Stats to Know From PwC's 2018 Employee Financial Wellness Survey

Employee financial wellness is a hot topic at organizations of all sizes. Each year, PwC rolls up their sleeves and conducts a pretty comprehensive survey of full-time employed U.S. adults, then puts out a financial stress "state of the union."

financial stress employers financial wellness

Are your employees financially stressed? Look out for these 6 signs.

Modern life can be pretty stressful. Friends, family, life and work all put an incredible amount of pressure on us, all the time.

In small doses, stress can be a great motivator -- a short deadline, a challenging project, a lofty goal -- these can encourage efficiency and productivity every day. But what happens when stress becomes too much?

financial stress employers financial wellness

Explore workplace financial wellbeing.

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