The LearnLux Financial Wellbeing Blog

Creating a world where having a financial plan is never out of reach.

Financial Wellness is the Most Asked-For Benefit of 2019. Here's Why.

Love it or hate it, our modern world revolves around money. That’s why it’s so surprising that most of us were never taught about personal finance in school.

Sure, we somehow remember that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but when it comes to compounding interest? We don’t feel so confident -- and your employees feel the same way.

financial wellness employee benefits

These 4 major companies are putting a focus on financial wellness in 2019. Here's how to follow their lead.

It's no secret that humans who are happy and healthy make better employees. In turn, happy and healthy employees are more productive, which drives your company's bottom line.

employee benefits

5 Employee Benefits Every Biotech Company Should Offer to Stay Competitive

It’s no secret -- Biotechnology is a crazy competitive field.

As a result, hiring and retaining the best talent in this booming sector is a major challenge.

employee benefits

Actionable Ways to Improve Your Company's Benefits Communication in 2019

Employees want great benefits, but they don’t always want to spend time reading about them.

Instead of letting your team come knocking on HR's figurative (or literal) door at the last minute, here are 6 actionable ways to improve your benefits communications to maximize opt-ins.

employers employee benefits

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