Six High-Impact Features of Workplace Financial Wellbeing Programs

Posted by LearnLux

Six High-Impact Features of Workplace Financial Wellbeing Programs

Employees are your company’s most valuable asset. Are you doing enough to support their financial wellbeing? When workers' minds are distracted by financial stress, their productivity, engagement, and health can suffer. 

Instead of settling for "check-the-box" financial wellbeing, here are six high-impact features you can look for in modern programs that will drive real results for your workforce.

1. High Tech, High Touch

The most impactful financial wellbeing solutions blend powerful technology with one-on-one human guidance. This creates a truly personalized experience for each employee, meeting them wherever they are in their financial journey. By combining digital and human experiences, employers can strategically reinforce topics that are customized to specific organizational goals. For example, your workplace may prioritize guidance around building emergency savings, navigating equity compensation, or retirement readiness.

2. Access to Certified Financial Planner™️ Professionals

Leading financial wellbeing programs now offer access to in-house Certified Financial Planner™ professionals. Prioritize programs that go beyond financial coaches and call centers, and provide 1:1 access to trusted, highly certified financial planners.


Explore the 2024 Financial Wellbeing Buyer's Guide


Tip: LearnLux is on a mission to fill the financial health gap with tools that are both tech and human-powered — and we only employ Certified Financial Planner™️ professionals, the highest level of financial certification an advisor can achieve.


3. Unbiased Guidance

Employee trust is everything, so choose a financial wellbeing program that is 100% unbiased. When exploring a financial wellbeing benefit, ask if they are affiliated with a bank, financial product, or have an agenda with my employee data. Many employees are naturally suspicious of financial services, and earning their trust is crucial. A solution that's truly unbiased will have no other agenda than serving your workforce with the best possible financial guidance.


4. Holistic Programming

Financial wellbeing is about connecting the dots in each employee’s financial life. Point solution programs that address a single topic such as student loans or credit scores miss the big picture, so holistic solutions continue to be the most inclusive and impactful. Consider a holistic financial wellbeing program to serve your wider employee population without having to manage multiple point solutions.


5. Built for a Diverse Workforce

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the forefront of any impactful financial wellbeing solution. Look for a program that empowers your hourly workers, high earners, and everyone in between. Explore technology that's accessible for the multi-generational workforce. Consider benefits equity across your global population. Choose a financial wellbeing program that's available to employees in headquarters and in the field, in corporate settings, warehouses, and working remotely.


Explore the 2024 Financial Wellbeing Buyer's Guide


6. Powered by Impressive Personalization

Employees have different confidence levels, risk tolerance, debt and target retirement dates, so their financial wellbeing plan should be as personal as their fingerprint. Innovative financial wellbeing programs create custom experiences at scale, and content should be highly tailored to each organization’s benefits options.


Tags: product, financial wellbeing, for employers

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