Case Study: How Messer Construction Boosted Financial Wellbeing Engagement by 30x

Posted by LearnLux

"Are all workplace financial wellbeing programs created equal?" It’s a question that Messer Construction Co. sought to answer as their legacy provider continued to produce subpar results. Then, they found LearnLux.

Messer chose to partner with LearnLux to offer a financial wellbeing program that would better meet the needs of their workforce.

This could save time for the HR team and provide a better experience to employees by relying on LearnLux’s Certified Financial Planner™ professionals to speak directly with their workforce and answer complex and personal financial questions.

Messer quickly achieved their goal of reaching a diverse audience, with all genders, age groups, income levels, and life stages represented among the program participants.


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About the Messer Construction Financial Wellbeing Case Study with LearnLux

Messer Financial Wellbeing Case Study

The case study includes a deep dive into:

  1. Challenges that Messer faces reaching their diverse, dispersed workforce with benefits communications
  2. Why their previous program failed to engage employees
  3. How partnering with LearnLux was able to lift engagement by 30x
  4. Data driven insights that benefits professionals and consultants can use in their own financial wellbeing strategies


Who is this Financial Wellbeing Case Study for?

Benefits professionals & consultants looking to increase engagement with their current financial wellbeing program, or explore options to bring on a new provider that drives real results.

What you will learn:

  • Challenges that Messer faces reaching their diverse, dispersed workforce with benefits communications
  • Why their previous program failed to engage employees
  • How partnering with LearnLux was able to lift engagement by 30x
  • Data driven insights that benefits professionals and consultants can use in their own financial wellbeing strategies


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Messer Construction Company Overview

Messer is a company of builders and champions of craftsmanship. They manage, develop, and perform complex commercial construction and deliver value through quality construction experiences.

Messer Construction Financial Wellbeing Case Study


Their 1,400 employees in five states believe in building better lives for their customers, communities, and each other.

Messer by the Numbers:

  • 1,400 eligible employees
  • 5 states
  • 50% of the workforce does not sit at a desk


One of Messer’s core values, Zero Injury, is a key driver behind the HR team’s focus on financial wellbeing for their employees. “We believe that financial wellness is a key aspect of overall wellbeing,” says Theresa Cappel, HR Executive at Messer. “If employees are distracted by things like financial stress, that’s a recipe for getting injured on the job.”


The Challenge: A Previous Financial Program Wasn’t Reaching Employees

Messer isn’t new to financial wellbeing programs. They previously offered a program that received little engagement.

Reaching the Messer Craftforce, the construction workers at their building sites, was challenging because HR didn’t have any direct means of communication to support the 50% of workers who aren’t in an office, aren’t on email, and don’t use computers for work.


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The previous program was difficult for employees to use, lacked interactive planning tools and educational content, and was limited to scheduling calls with a financial coach.

Messer’s previous program:

  • Was difficult to use
  • Lacked interactive planning tools
  • Was human only
  • Received little engagement

Read more about the challenge here in the full Messer Financial Wellbeing Case Study.


The Solution

With the goal of offering financial wellbeing that would better meet the needs of their diverse workforce, Messer started their search for a new program.


Our benefits broker introduced us to LearnLux as one of multiple vendors to research and interview. Once we viewed demos of each platform, we narrowed down the field to two vendors. Our benefits team discussed the pros and cons of each vendor and LearnLux ticked the boxes on everything we were looking for in a financial wellness platform for our employees.  - Theresa Cappel, Human Resources Director, Messer Construction Co.


After choosing LearnLux, the new partnership began. Messer chose LearnLux to:

  1. Meet the needs of their diverse workforce
  2. Provide employees with expert financial guidance
  3. Save time for the HR team


We worked with LearnLux to develop our custom lessons and set up our platform, and then we launched in June 2020. It was an extremely busy time given the pandemic, but in a way the launch was very timely because many people were feeling uncertain and stressed about their finances. - Theresa Cappel


They could save time for the HR team and provide a better experience to employees by relying on LearnLux’s Certified Financial Planner™ professionals to talk directly with employees and answer the complex and personal financial questions they often had about their benefits.


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The Results

Employee engagement in the LearnLux program has outpaced the previous program by 30x. More than 13% of employees created accounts, attended a webinar, or both in the first six months after launch.

Messer Financial Wellbeing Case Study with LearnLux

Of employees who created LearnLux accounts:

  • 67% completed a financial checkup
  • 28% started a budget
  • 25% completed quick lessons focused on their individual needs
  • 14% asked questions or scheduled video calls with a Financial Planner

Want more data and expert insights? Download the Case Study to learn how Messer achieved their success.

Tags: financial wellbeing, for employers, case study

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