Financial Wellness Champions | AceUp

Posted by LearnLux

LearnLux is proud to be the the financial wellness benefit provider for AceUp, the leading marketplace for quality coaching, based in Boston MA.

AceUp is dedicated to create a workplace where their employees can succeed every day. To do this, their team put intentions into actions by working to fight financial stress, the #1 cause of stress in the modern workplace.

We sat down with Patrick, AceUp’s Co-Founder, to chat about his company’s culture and wellness initiatives. Read on for the full interview below.


AceUp empowers emerging leaders to grow personally and professionally through a combination of seamless technology and the best executive coaches.

Through the AceUp platform, forward thinking companies are able to match professionals of all levels with highly-vetted coaches in a way that’s completely personalized to them.

What is the most popular employee benefit you offer at AceUp?

We believe so much in what we do, that every employee has company-paid professional coaching provided to them!

What does being a “cool” workplace mean to the AceUp Team?

A “cool” workplace is a place that provides for you in a way that allows you to bring your whole, unique self to work. In a cool workplace, employees feel heard and seen by those around them, and opportunities for personal and professional growth arise from that.

Given $15,000 tomorrow, no strings attached, what would you buy for your team?

Given $15k tomorrow, we would give everyone on the team a 1-week paid working trip to go work from anywhere they want, learn about new cultures, and feed their minds.

We as a company believe strongly that diverse experiences create happier employers and stronger outcomes.

If you could hire one celebrity to join your team at AceUp, who would it be?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, because he’s the most motivating guy I can think of! We love his instagram...


What does financial wellness mean to you, in the context of the workplace?

Financial wellness, to us, means providing an environment where employees have the resources they need to feel confident about their financial situation. On top of paying well, this includes things like paid time off, 401k, health insurance, financial educational tools, so they can focus on life and work, not money.

Is the financial wellness of your team important to you as an employer? If so, why?

Our teams financial wellness is extremely important to me. As mentioned before, it’s crucial for us to help our team live and work effectively and with minimal stress or distraction. Money troubles can be devastating to one’s psyche, so we like to make sure our team is financially well.


Money troubles can be devastating to one’s psyche, so we like to make sure our team is financially well. - Patrick, AceUp


Why did you decide to partner with LearnLux to offer financial wellness to your employees?

We decided to partner with LearnLux because education is the first step to financial wellness. By providing our employees with the financial education and resources they need, we can help take the first step on the journey to financial wellness.

Have you personally used any of LearnLux’s lessons to help gain knowledge or work through a personal finance challenge?

I’ve used LearnLux to fully understand my 401k’s from past jobs. Understanding the implications of moving this money around, and how to best consolidate it, has been a lifesaver. I am not personally experienced with these things, so the the learning modules are very helpful to my learning style!

One thing my company loves about LearnLux is…

The weekly outreach from the amazing team, which helps me stay afloat on things I don’t know I should be paying attention to.


Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, Patrick!

Looking to add financial wellness as an employee benefit at your company? Click below to learn more.

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Tags: employers, learnlux customer spotlight

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