Is your team is financially well or suffering from financial stress? Use this assessment to find out.

Posted by LearnLux

Employees are losing ZZZs over their $$$s. Whether they’re burdened with personal debt, student loans, lack of retirement savings, or the rising cost of healthcare, their worries can manifest in many different ways.

How can you tell whether your team is financially well or silently suffering from financial stress?

LearnLux created this financial wellbeing assessment to help you measure how well you’re supporting your employees on the road to financial prosperity — and where you can improve.

Sharing this assessment with your human resources team can give you a starting point for understanding your employees’ financial wellbeing. 

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In this Financial Wellbeing Assessment resource, you'll explore:

  • Overall workforce financial stress / wellness
  • Creating a culture of financial wellbeing
  • Impacts of financial stress at work
  • Your current wellbeing offerings, and more

Financial Wellbeing Assessment for Employers

Looking to download the financial wellbeing assessment as a convenient PDF? Click below to unlock a free digital version that you can take to go.

A look into the financial wellbeing assessment PDF for employers

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Or, grab a paper and pen and complete the assessment below.


Employee financial wellbeing

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being strongly disagree and 10 being strongly agree, please rate the accuracy of the following statements:

Employees at my company feel a high level of financial stress on a regular basis.

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Employees at my company live paycheck to paycheck.

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Many employees at my company do not have $1,000 saved for an emergency.

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Employees at my company have financial goals like getting out of debt, buying a home, or saving for retirement.

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Employees at my company have been successful at working toward and achieving their financial goals.

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Employees at my company don’t utilize all of the benefits we offer because they don’t know how to use them.

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If given the opportunity to speak to a financial expert at no cost to them, many employees would take advantage of this benefit. 

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Creating a culture of financial wellbeing

Approximately what percentage of employees are engaged with your current wellbeing offerings?

  • ⃞ Less than 5%
  • ⃞ 6-15%
  • ⃞ 16-30%
  • ⃞ 31-50%
  • ⃞ More than 50%

Is financial wellbeing one of your focus areas for 2021?

  • ⃞ Yes
  • ⃞ No
  • ⃞ Unsure


How often does your company survey your team to get a pulse on overall employee wellbeing?

  • ⃞ Never / Not Sure
  • ⃞ Sometimes
  • ⃞ Frequently


Do you have employee resource groups focused on financial wellbeing?

  • ⃞ No / Not Sure
  • ⃞ Yes

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being strongly disagree and 10 being strongly agree, please rate the accuracy of the following statements:

Talking about personal finance is not taboo at our workplace — in fact, it’s encouraged.

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Employees understand the benefits we offer and feel confident making decisions during key times like onboarding and open enrollment.

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We are investing in financial wellbeing programs as part of our overall wellbeing strategy. 

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Overall, employees at my workplace are financially well.

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Impacts of financial stress at work

Do Employees...? Choose all that apply.

  • ⃞ Get distracted by financial concerns while on the job?
  • ⃞ Call out of work because of financial issues or stress?
  • ⃞ Ask HR questions about taxes, benefits, or other personal finance matters?
  • ⃞ Avoid seeking medical care out of fear that it will be too costly?
  • ⃞ Leave their job for a nominal pay raise at another company?
  • ⃞ Borrow against their 401(k)?
  • ⃞ Take out payday loans?
  • ⃞ Have their wages garnished?


Current wellbeing offerings

Does your company currently offer wellbeing benefits? Choose all that apply.

  • ⃞ Mental health/mindfulness
  • ⃞ Fertility benefits
  • ⃞ HSA
  • ⃞ FSA
  • ⃞ HDHP
  • ⃞ Caregiving benefits
  • ⃞ Parental leave
  • ⃞ Telehealth
  • ⃞ Physical health / weight management
  • ⃞ EAP
  • ⃞ Financial wellbeing
  • ⃞ If your benefits include financial wellbeing, what do you offer? 


Does your company offer incentives for participating in your wellbeing program?

  • ⃞ Yes
  • ⃞ No
  • ⃞ Unsure

Financial wellbeing assessment closing note:

Employee financial wellbeing is a big challenge to tackle. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone. At LearnLux, our team is here to help you assess the needs of your team and put together a plan of action. Click below to download the free financial wellbeing assessment resource:



Don't leave empty handed!

Click below to download the assessment and take it to go.

Get the assessment


Wondering which questions from this resource you should include in your next employee engagement survey?

Or are you looking to administer a full financial assessment?

Reach out to us using the form below to schedule a financial wellbeing strategy session.

Tags: employee benefits, resources

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