25+ Ways to Recognize Employee Wellness Month this June

Posted by LearnLux

National Employee Wellness Month, observed each June in the United States, provides an opportunity for employers to prioritize the overall wellbeing of their workforce.

While physical and mental health have traditionally been leading themes, it is crucial for employers to communicate how financial wellbeing plays a vital role in employees' holistic health.

Here are 25+ strategies employers can implement to acknowledge National Employee Wellness Month:


Mindfulness Programs for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Arrange mindfulness sessions to help employees improve focus and reduce stress.
  2. Share a Money Mindfulness Meditation with your team to reduce financial stress
  3. Create a quiet room or designated space for employees to practice mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques.


Benefits Education for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Offer onsite wellness workshops during lunch breaks or before/after work hours.
  2. Spotlight the holistic financial wellbeing benefits you provide, including digital tools, interactive education and 1:1 guidance from trusted Certified Financial Planner™ professionals.
  3. Distribute wellness-themed newsletters or email campaigns sharing tips, resources, and success stories.
  4. Spotlight tax-advantaged products like HSAs and FSAs where employees can save for their health and wellness needs. Tap into your workplace financial wellbeing program to provide trusted education about these products. 
  5. Provide access to online wellness platforms or mobile apps that offer resources, exercise routines, and mental health tools.

Employee Challenges / Community Involvement for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Implement a workplace wellness challenge, such as a step-count competition, debt paydown challenge, daily gratitude practice, etc.
  2. Create a company-wide initiative encouraging employees to save for emergencies by providing resources and tools to develop an emergency fund.
  3. Sponsor employees' participation in local charity walks, runs, or wellness events.


Financial wellbeing is one of the 6 key pillars of holistic workplace wellbeing.


Financial wellbeing is one pillar of workplace wellbeing

Workplace Experience for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Establish a designated relaxation space where employees can unwind and de-stress.
  2. Provide healthy snacks and refreshments in common areas throughout the month.
  3. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and stretch during the workday by implementing reminder notifications or conducting group stretching sessions.
  4. Provide standing desks or ergonomic equipment to promote good posture and reduce sedentary behavior.
  5. Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible scheduling, to support work-life balance.
  6. Introduce standing or walking meetings to encourage daily physical activity.
  7. Implement a flexible PTO policy that allows employees to take time off to care for their wellbeing.


Employee Training, Resource Groups for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Create a company-wide wellness committee that includes employees from different departments to plan and execute wellness initiatives throughout the year.
  2. Establish a peer-to-peer mentoring program where employees can share wellness tips and support one another's goals.
  3. Implement a wellness-themed book club, where employees can read and discuss books on various wellness topics such as financial wellness
  4. Provide managers with training on recognizing signs of stress, including financial stress and equipping them with appropriate resources to address these concerns. Partnering with a trusted financial wellbeing program can help escalate patterns of financial stress to managers and leadership.

Employee Spotlights for Employee Wellness Month

  1. Create a recognition program that rewards employees who actively engage in wellness programs or demonstrate healthy habits.
  2. Recognize and celebrate individual employee milestones related to wellness  


Recognizing National Employee Wellness Month presents an excellent opportunity for employers to acknowledge the importance of financial wellness as a key pillar of holistic health. By implementing strategies such as wellbeing workshops, workplace challenges, incentives, managerial training, and employee surveys, employers can create an environment that supports employees' holistic wellbeing throughout the year.

By prioritizing financial wellness alongside other key wellbeing initiatives, employers can demonstrate their commitment to the overall health and happiness of their workforce, resulting in increased job satisfaction, reduced stress, and improved productivity.

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