The LearnLux Financial Wellbeing Blog

Creating a world where having a financial plan is never out of reach.

I'm a Fiduciary Financial Planner. Here's What That Actually Means.

On a personal level, you might have set a goal to save more, pay off debt, and creating a plan for your money this year.

As a benefits professional, you might have noticed the growing trend of workplace financial wellbeing benefits, and hope to bring guidance and support to your employees. Either way, you might be considering the help of a financial planner.

financial wellness financial advisors

Financial Stress and Insomnia: The Workplace Impacts You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Sleep impacts the overall wellbeing of your organization, and money-related stress is preventing your employees from getting enough.  

According to a 2019 survey by, more than half of American adults are losing sleep over financial stress.

financial wellness financial advisors

Could your HSA be a powerful retirement savings tool? Financial Planners say yes.

With open enrollment in full swing, it’s time for your team to review their health insurance options. A common approach is to check the same box as last year, leaving your health insurance unchanged for another 12 months. 

financial wellness Open Enrollment HSA financial advisors

Explore workplace financial wellbeing.

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