How Benefits Strategist Karlos Guerra Thinks About the Future of Financial Wellness

Posted by Brin Chartier

"Will financial wellness ever be as ubiquitous as healthcare? "

To some, this question might conjure up images of a far away future, in workplaces that look much different than they do today.

But Karlos Guerra, Benefits Consultant at Lockton Companies, has already witnessed this emerging benefit gain a ton of traction. For him, a world where companies prioritize employee financial wellbeing as much as physical and mental wellbeing isn't far off at all.

Karlos works with some of the most innovative Silicon Valley mid-size companies where he connects their objectives to strategic employee benefits action plans.

Workplace wellbeing has a "ripple effect", he says, and employers are uniquely positioned to be a positive force in their employees lives and for the economy as a whole. 

We sat down with Karlos to learn what fascinates him most about the employee benefits space, hear the #1 piece of money advice he hopes to pass along to his daughter, get and the meaning behind his mantra "chase the roar". 

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us, Karlos! 

Interested to hear from other innovators in the benefits space? Check out our interview with Katrina Daniel, Benefits Program Manager @ Airbnb.


Tags: financial wellness, interview

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